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Closing Gaps – Opening Horizons!

YCOI Programs Video

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YCOI Featued Programs

  • Hope Daycare Centers

    Hope Daycare centers – Keren Yaldenu’s 2015 flagship project. The purpose of the project is to build a network of daycare centers, which care for younger children from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., and by that provide working mothers with a supportive framework for their children during the daytime hours.

  • Jewish Lifesyle & Bar/Bat Mitzva

    The Bar/Bat Mitzva Project enables the children and their families to celebrate an important Jewish life-cycle event that they would otherwise not have the means to be able to commemorate.

  • Distant Learning Project

    An innovative initiative that aspires to enhance and upgrade the level of learning in Israeli schools all over the country. Since its inception seven years ago, this
    program included programs in teaching sciences, Jewish history and geography of Israel (Limudei Eretz Yisrael), as well as supplement classes in various subjects at times of
    war-like situations, when students were not able to attend the classroom.

  • The Sports & Athletics Programs

    Maintaining Guf Bari beNefesh B’ri’ah (Hebrew for “Healthy body & spirit”) are an integral part of our educational agenda for all ages. Some of the activities held in our centers around the country include: Basketball Training and Clubs, Acrobatics, Karate, Capoiera and Kickboxing, as well as sports and physical & mental training activities in our Kaytanot(summer & school vacation programs).

  • Bible Quiz Project

    Integrating legacy with intellectual challenge, beginning in 1976, Keren Yaldenu initiated the Bible Quiz Project. This climactic project concludes a year-long period of Bible study by children of various backgrounds, both religious and secular. The Bible Quiz Project consists of a combination of games, riddles, skits, video clips, and various other enrichment methods.